Benefits and Eligibility Verification for Dental Offices

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Mastering the Art of Checking Benefits and Eligibility Before Appointments
Benefits and Eligibility Verification for Dental Offices
Thursday, July 18, 2024

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PST

Checking dental benefits and eligibility before a patient's appointment is essential!

Learning the steps to efficiently and correctly verify your patients' coverage ensures:

  • Your Ability to Address Insurance Issues
  • Financial Transparency
  • Optimization of Treatment Planning
  • Prevention of Billing Problems
  • Enhanced Patient Experience
  • Efficient Workflow

Our upcoming webinar will provide valuable insights and practical strategies to enhance patient care and administrative efficiency. We will teach you:

  • Importance of checking dental benefits and eligibility before patient appointments
  • Different types of dental insurance plans and how they impact coverage
  • Best practices for checking benefits
  • Step-by-step process for verifying insurance coverage
  • Tools and resources for efficient benefit verification
  • Addressing common challenges and troubleshooting issues
  • Communication strategies
  • Tips for addressing patient inquiries and concerns

The registration fee is $139 per webinar per registrant. Each registrant requires a unique email address. Your registration fee includes 90-days access to our toll-free helpline for any questions or issues that arise after the series. If you are unable to participate on the day of the webinar, register anyway. You will receive a unique replay link after the session. The link is available for 48 hours allowing you to watch (or rewatch) when your schedule allows.