Appealing Denied, Rejected, and Reduced Claims
Resolve Claim Denials
Resolve Claim Denials
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM MST
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CST
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST
Every delayed and denied claim costs your business revenue regardless of whether it is a short or long-term delay. Insurance companies change policies on a regular basis to control cost, audit for fraud, and assure adherence to policy. Learn how efficiently and effectively appeal claims that have been denied, rejected, and reduced!!
You know you should have been paid for a claim. The claim was rejected, reduced, or denied. Now what?!?! You know you need to send an appeal. The key is writing an effective appeal that doesn't take forever to get done. Develop a system for handling these problems that make billing a nightmare!!
The registration fee is $139.00 per webinar per registrant. Each registrant requires a unique email address. Your registration fee includes 90-days access to our toll-free helpline for any questions or issues that arise after the series. If you are unable to participate on the day of the webinar, register anyway. You will receive a unique replay link after the session. The link is available for 48 hours allowing you to watch (or rewatch) when your schedule allows.